Miniature Graphics
Official Website

What I want to pass on to you in my works are.....
Transition of seasons and beauty of flowing time.
Pleasure of small discoveries in details of arts.
The gracefulness in Japanese tradition.
●1970年創刊『月刊 かまくら春秋』の目次絵を描かせていただいています。(2016年1月〜) 湘南エリアで発売中です。
◎About my picture
The feature of my illustrations is that in small figures which compose large forms you recognize first,there exist even smaller variations seen if you see them closely. Therefore, with the passage of time, you can have a subtle yet fresh look at the work. Only when the forms strong enough to be gazed at and the beauty of details, such as small figures, harmonize well with each other, I account my work to be completed.